Is Teeth-grinding Getting You Down? We Can Help

Teeth-grinding is more common than you may think. Especially with the stressful times we have been forced into over the past year and a half. Often teeth-grinding and stress go hand in hand. You may experience it at night when you are sound asleep or in the middle of the day during an intense meeting at work. Regardless of when you experience it, we understand how it can negatively impact your life and at Bells Corners Family Dentistry we want to help.

Today we are going to uncover how you can self-identify if it’s time to come in for an appointment. The fact that you are reading this far down our blog post already tells us that this subject is on your mind. Now it’s time to see how bad your teeth-grinding really is.

Clicking Jaw: 

Have you noticed when you go to yawn or eat that there is a slight clicking sound when your jaw opens? This could be a sign that you are grinding your teeth. If you notice it is consistent for at least two weeks, it may be time to visit us or a physiotherapist. The jaw clicking could be a sign of teeth-grinding but it could also be a case of TMJ disease. In that case, a physiotherapist could assist you and direct you to us if they notice it is more of a dental issue. 

Difficulty sleeping:  

Are you experiencing broken sleep or stress dreams? This is something to keep an eye on because often stress that interrupts sleep can lead to teeth-grinding that you may not notice. 

Aches and pains:  

Is it painful to move your jaw? Does it feel strenuous after speaking for a while or after a meal? This is a strong sign that you may be grinding your teeth. Similar to the clicking jaw symptom, however, you could be experiencing TMJ disease also. If this symptom is noticeable over a period of time, it is best to get it looked at by a professional. 


Are you noticing that after a full night’s sleep you wake up with a headache? If so, your body may be responding to teeth-grinding. This is one of the known responses that the body makes to this type of damage. 

Worn tooth enamel:

We have saved the most aggressive sign for last. If you are at the point where you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms plus worn tooth enamel, we recommend that you book an appointment with one of our dental professionals immediately. Worn tooth enamel is not something to take lightly, it can lead to massive tooth damage or even tooth loss. 

Now that you are aware of some of the most common signs of teeth-grinding you can reflect on your symptoms and their intensity. We highly recommend an appointment to confirm your teeth-grinding so that our professionals at Bells Corners Family Dentistry can correct it and stop your suffering in its tracks.